I'm new to VBA and this is my first post here, so please excuse my amateurish question, but how do I copy values from 2 or more columns and paste them in 1 column without overwriting the values (i.e. values pasted in a single column successively).....the columns containing the values are U,V and W to be pasted in column AB.....
Please find the code below:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim a As Integer
Noofcolumns = Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Columns.Count
For i = 1 To Noofcolumns
Cells(1, 20 + i).Select
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
For j = 1 To 500
a = Cells(j, 28).Value
If IsEmpty(a) Then
Cells(j, 28).Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
Else: GoTo 1
End If
Next j
Next i
End Sub
Some things for you to consider:
Have a read on how to avoid the use of .Select. One of the most shared posts on SO here I think, and a great guide in better referencing Range
To build upon the first point, you would want to be explicit referencing Range
objects. For example Range("u1").Select
will select U1
on the currently active worksheet. Instead, at least, use a worksheet reference (even a workbook reference could be better)
Secondly, you have used XlToRight
to retrieve the last used column. If this was your intention it might be just fine. But for future reference, if there is a gap in your data, you might end up with a Range
you not happy with. XlToLeft
might be better, for example the below would find the last used column in the first row from the right to the left:
With Sheet1
LastColumn = .Cells(1, sht.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
End with
In your case such assesment might not even be needed since your values are in columns U:W
, instead your can just use a For x = # to #
The same counts for when you want to find a last used row. A blank cell can throw off XlDown
, but XlUp
will counter that. A more in depth post on finding a last row can be found here, also a highly valuable SO post. For example, the below will get the last used row from column A:
With Sheet1
LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
End with
Another thing is that you won't need to use Copy
to transfer values, you can do so directly, for example (simplified):
With Sheet1
.Cells(1, 1) = .Cells(1, 2)
End with
Another (minor) point is that there is no use in using Integer
data type variables. They overflow easily if misused causing errors. You better of using Long
data types.
Try and avoid Goto
statemtents, this cause spaghetti code and in your case there isn't even a statement missing (goto has nowhere to actually go)
Now with those points you can try to alter your code, which now could look like the below:
Sample Data:
Sample Code:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
'Dimming our variables properly
Dim lr1 As Long, lr2 As Long, x As Long
'Using an explicit sheet reference
With Sheet1
'Looping over the columns U:W
For x = 21 To 23
'Getting the last used row from the column
lr1 = .Cells(.Rows.Count, x).End(xlUp).Row
'Getting the last used row from column J
lr2 = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 28).End(xlUp).Row + 1
'Transfer data directly
.Cells(lr2, 28).Resize(lr1 - 1).Value2 = .Range(.Cells(2, x), .Cells(lr1, x)).Value2
'Continue to next column in iteration
Next x
End With
End Sub
All the above was in the assumption you have a header in all these column. If not, simply adjust accordingly.