A specific class from a dependency produces too much logs, so I'm trying to store them in a specific file to avoid pollution of the other ones.
here's my logback-spring.xml file :
<configuration debug="true">
<!-- appenders declaration -->
<appender-ref ref="FileConnections" />
<root level="DEBUG">
<appender-ref ref="FileInf" /> <!-- ThresholdFilter Info -->
<appender-ref ref="FileErr" /> <!-- ThresholdFilter Error -->
<appender-ref ref="FileTra" /> <!-- ThresholdFilter Trace -->
<appender-ref ref="JsonInf" /> <!-- Json formater -->
<appender-ref ref="STDOUT" /> <!-- Console output -->
This code does redirect all the BasicChannelUpstreamHandler logs to my FileConnections appender but there is still logs fromm this class in other appenders.
Is there a way to disable BasicChannelUpstreamHandler logs on all the other appenders ?
You need to set the additivity flag to false as shown below.
<logger name="org.apache.james.protocols.netty.BasicChannelUpstreamHandler" level="INFO" additivity="false">
<appender-ref ref="FileConnections" />