I have a array of object which i want to convert it into CSV format using Papa Parser
javascript library.
so far I am able to convert the array of object using Papa.unparse
function but the issue with this is column name. Is there a way to provide the custom column name in Papa.unparse
function so that I do not have to clone my existing array of object into to another array of object with altered column name.
var csvVal = Papa.unparse(callHistoryArray,{
quotes: false, //or array of booleans
delimiter: ",",
header: true,
newline: "\r\n",
columns: [
], //or array of strings
it generates following output
Willey W,2314651324,outgoing,,0:50,Contact,1573553784000
Instead of this I am expecting
Willey W,2314651324,outgoing,,0:50,Contact,1573553784000
You can choose not to create a header when parsing the data, and then create a header an concat them.
var callHistoryArray = [{ a: 1, b: 2 }, { a: 3, b: 4 }];
var csvVal = Papa.unparse(callHistoryArray, {
header: false,
columns: [
], //or array of strings
var headersVal = Papa.unparse({ fields: ['id', 'value'], data: [] });
var result = headersVal + csvVal;
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/PapaParse/5.1.0/papaparse.js"></script>