I use the on() function of createjs:
myObj.on("mousedown", (e)=>{
now, I want to remove the listener, I trying to write this code, with the off() function:
myObj.off("mousedown", (e)=>{
but, The code does not seem to be working correctly.
How should I write to cancel the event?
Note: Notice that I need to use an arrow function, because of the word "this".
You have to pass a reference to the same function -- but it is important to note that the on
method creates a wrapper function for you no matter what, since it also allows you to do pass a scope parameter. The on/off
methods were made specifically to address the issue of scope in ES5. (docs)
The best way to make sure you can unsubscribe is to store a reference to the value of the on
function call, and pass that to off()
var evt = obj.on("click", () => doSomething());
// later
obj.off("click", evt);
Another great way to cancel events is to remove them in the function callback:
doSomething(evt) {
// Your Code
if (condition) {
Lastly, if you are just looking for a clean-up, use removeAllEventListeners
(docs), which you can pass an optional event type to.