I am trying to embed a streaming preview of Caffeine.tv into my website.
Caffeine.tv has no official embedding or at least not for what I know but moderators of the platform told me you can do it yourself I only have no clue how and hope people here would be able to give me a hand in that.
Normally you watch Caffeine.tv stream through for example https://www.caffeine.tv/Kaph which shows an image of the URL but no visible video.
There is a workaround for that which is watching over https://preview.caffeine.tv/kaph
This shows preview but no window in the link now what I would like to do is use the preview URL and embed that into my website.
I look forward to support!
What you want can be achieved by using an iframe :)
<iframe src="https://preview.caffeine.tv/kaph"></iframe>
Please note, the above may not load correctly depending on Stack Overflow's allowance of cross-origin content from iFrames.
Please see this working on JSFiddle