Context: I have 2 different tables in my database. First is actionblock (ActionBlock in Java) and the second one is location (PermanentLocation in Java). The ActionBlock class needs a location to work, so in order for the code to work it first loads the ActionBlock data which contains the location needed after which the code loads the necessary location. (yes I know the following code will spam load location query)
Problem: Loading the location gives empty ResultSet using the same DB connection as the ActionBlock loader
What I've tried:
"Could not load location" is always printed to console (since the loader returns null) ActionBlock load code
* Loads the blocks from the database. All registerClass calls must be called before this
public void loadBlocksFromDatabase() {
Connection conn = null;
try {
conn = KaranteeniCore.getDatabaseConnector().openConnection();
PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement(
"SELECT uuid,permission,classtype FROM actionblock WHERE serverID = ?;");
stmt.setString(1, KaranteeniCore.getServerIdentificator());
ResultSet set = stmt.executeQuery();
// loop all the blocks from the database
while( {
String uuidStr = set.getString(1);
String permission = set.getString(2);
String classType = set.getString(3);
UUID uuid = UUID.fromString(uuidStr);
// check if loaded block is a block or a sign
for(Class<? extends ActionBlock> clazz : subBlockClasses)
if(clazz.getName().equals(classType)) {
// load the location of the block
PermanentLocation loc = PermanentLocation.loadLocation(conn, uuid);
if(loc == null) {
Bukkit.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Could not load location " + uuid.toString() + ". Has it been deleted from database?");
Block block = loc.getLocation().getBlock();
try {
// try to create a new class out of this block
if(permission != null) {
Constructor<? extends ActionBlock> cstr = clazz.getConstructor(Block.class, UUID.class, String.class);
ActionBlock aBlock = cstr.newInstance(block, uuid, permission);
registerBlock(aBlock); // register created class
} else {
Constructor<? extends ActionBlock> cstr = clazz.getConstructor(Block.class, UUID.class);
ActionBlock aBlock = cstr.newInstance(block, uuid);
registerBlock(aBlock); // register created class
} catch (Exception e) {
// load all signs
for(Class<? extends ActionSign> clazz : subSignClasses)
if(clazz.getName().equals(classType)) {
// load the location of the block
Block block = PermanentLocation.loadLocation(uuid).getLocation().getBlock();
try {
// try to create a new class out of this block
if(permission != null) {
Constructor<? extends ActionSign> cstr = clazz.getConstructor(Block.class, UUID.class, String.class);
ActionBlock aBlock = cstr.newInstance(block, uuid, permission);
registerBlock(aBlock); // register created class
} else {
Constructor<? extends ActionSign> cstr = clazz.getConstructor(Block.class, UUID.class);
ActionBlock aBlock = cstr.newInstance(block, uuid);
registerBlock(aBlock); // register created class
} catch (Exception e) {
} catch(SQLException e) {
// ignored
} finally {
try {
if(conn != null)
} catch (SQLException e) {
PermanentLocation load code
* Loads a permanent location from database using the given uuid
* @param conn Connection to the database
* @param uuid uuid of the location
* @return location loaded or null if none found
public static PermanentLocation loadLocation(Connection conn, UUID uuid) {
PermanentLocation location = null;
try {
PreparedStatement st = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT world, x, y, z, pitch, yaw FROM location WHERE id = ? AND serverID = ?;");
st.setString(1, uuid.toString());
st.setString(2, KaranteeniPlugin.getServerIdentificator());
ResultSet set = st.executeQuery();
if( {
String w = set.getString(1);
double x = set.getDouble(2);
double y = set.getDouble(3);
double z = set.getDouble(4);
float pitch = set.getFloat(5);
float yaw = set.getFloat(6);
World world = Bukkit.getWorld(w);
if(world == null)
return null;
Bukkit.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not find world " + w);
Location loc = new Location(world, x,y,z,pitch,yaw);
location = new PermanentLocation(uuid, loc);
location = null;
} catch(SQLException e) {
Bukkit.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage());
return location;
sys.statements_with_errors_or_warnings (insert into actionblock was indev code which had a slight mistake)
Contents from the location table
Contents from the actionblock table
Need more info? This post originates from the Spigot forum post
Edit: Restarting database or system does not affect the outcome
Found answer: Location cannot be loaded whilst the server is starting as other classes can only find necessary information (World) only after full boot.