I'm trying to make a query formula.
=QUERY(namedRange;"SELECT F WHERE 2.6 > D AND 2.6 < E")
This works, but when I'm using a column reference like E7 it doesn't work. The value in E7 is 2,6. I know the comma breaks the query..
=QUERY(namedRange;"SELECT F WHERE '"&E7&"' > D AND '"&E7&"' < E")
So i replace the comma with =SUBSTITUTE(E7;",";".";1)
=QUERY(namedRange;"SELECT F WHERE '"&SUBSTITUTE(E7;",";".";1)&"' > D AND '"&SUBSTITUTE(E7; ","; "."; 1)&"' < E")
Still no luck...
I hope some with more understanding of this can help me out...
wrapping stuff in QUERY
into single quotes converts it into a text string so it's the same as you would try to math out if "abc > 123"
- it does not make any sense...
"select F
where "&SUBSTITUTE(E7; ","; "."; 1)&" > D
and "&SUBSTITUTE(E7; ","; "."; 1)&" < E"; 0)