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Passing propData in vue jest is returning undefined

I'm passing the propData in my jest test file in vue but it's not set the propData data to component instead it's giving error cannot read property of clouds of undefined my object is written right?.

my jest test file

import sideWeatherDetails from "@/components/sidemenu/sideWeatherDetails.vue";
import { mount, createLocalVue } from "@vue/test-utils";
import Vuex from "vuex";
window.alert = jest.fn();
const localVue = createLocalVue();
describe("check if convert temperature action is firing", () => {
  let actions;
  let store;
  beforeEach(() => {
    actions = {
      convertToFarenheit: jest.fn()
    store = new Vuex.Store({

  it("convertToFarenheit is firing when checkbox is checked", () => {
    const propData = {
      clouds: { all: 40 },
      visibility: 2,
      main: { humidity: 40 },
      wind: { speed: 1.33 }
    const wrapper = mount(sideWeatherDetails, { store, localVue, propData });
    const checkbox = wrapper.find({ ref: "convertTemp" });

my component that i'm testing

    <h2 class="weather-head">Weather Details</h2>
    <div class="side-info-value" v-if="data">
        <span class="side-key data-key">Cloudy</span>
        <span class="data-value">{{ data.clouds.all }}%</span>
    <div class="side-info-value" v-if="data">
        <span class="side-key data-key">Humidity</span>
        <span class="data-value">{{ data.main.humidity }}%</span>
    <div class="side-info-value" v-if="data">
        <span class="side-key data-key">Visibility</span>
        <span class="data-value">{{ data.visibility / 1000 }} km</span>
    <div class="side-info-value" v-if="data">
        <span class="side-key data-key">Wind</span>
        <span class="data-value">{{ data.wind.speed }} m/s</span>
    <div class="side-info-value">
        <span class="side-key data-key">In Farenheit</span>
        <span class="data-value">
          <input ref="convertTemp" type="checkbox" @change="convertToFar()" />
import { mapActions } from "vuex";
export default {
  props: ["data"],
  methods: {
    convertToFar() {
      if (this.$refs.convertTemp.checked) {
      } else {
    ...mapActions(["convertToFarenheit", "convertToCelsius"])


  • Typo. You need propsData, not propData you have currently.

    it("convertToFarenheit is firing when checkbox is checked", () => {
      const propsData = {
        clouds: { all: 40 },
        visibility: 2,
        main: { humidity: 40 },
        wind: { speed: 1.33 }
      const wrapper = mount(sideWeatherDetails, { store, localVue, propsData });
      const checkbox = wrapper.find({ ref: "convertTemp" });