i am using a pop payment gate of paylike so i redirect the user to a new page to make payment where the pop up will be display.
in the paylike docs it says that if the popup is close the value is "closed"
I want to try and use that close value in a if condition statement to redirect the user back to previous request.
here is the action function code
function( err, res ){
if (err)
return console.log(err);
var txn = res.transaction.id;
var action = consolde.log(err);
// if console log is Closed redirect back to preview
if(action = 'closed') {
//Redirect to preview page
Please help me out.
if the pop up is close the console.log(err) return "closed" in the inspected element.
Try some changes:
var action= err;
if(action == 'closed'){
Also, I think you have to return err and not console.log(err) or check it before enter in this function:
if (err)
return err;