Search code examples

WPF Combobox Autocomplete TextSearch like "Contains" instead of "Start with"

I am trying to implement WPF Combobox Autocomplete TextSearch like "Contains" instead of "Start with".

Couple of question threads are there but could not find any concrete solution.

I was following the answer by @Evgenii: WPF combobox textsearch with contains

In the SetText(DependencyObject element, string text) method, the value of "text" parameter is always a "DeviceNumber" string. So my text is not reflecting there.

Here is my own sample code

Any reason?

Is anyone successfully implemented Text Search with Contains? Please guide.

I thank you for every answer I get but working code is much appreciable :)


  • make custom combobox control.

    public class SearchComboBox : ComboBox
        TextBox editableTextBox;
        public override void OnApplyTemplate()
            editableTextBox = GetTemplateChild("PART_EditableTextBox") as TextBox;
            editableTextBox.TextChanged += EditableTextBox_TextChanged;
        private void EditableTextBox_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)
            ICollectionView ICV = ItemsSource as ICollectionView;
            if(ICV != null)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(editableTextBox.Text.Trim()))
                    ICV.Filter = null;
                    ICV.Filter = new Predicate<object>(i => ((Equipment)i).equipmentLabel.Contains(editableTextBox.Text));
                IsDropDownOpen = true;

    modify you EquipmentScreenViewModel Code. add ICollectionView type property

    public  class EquipmentScreenViewModel
        public string SelectedEquipmentRego { get; set; }
        public ObservableCollection<Equipment> AllEquipments { get; set; }
        private ICollectionView _allEquipCollection = null;
        public ICollectionView AllEquipCollection
                if (_allEquipCollection == null && AllEquipments != null)
                    _allEquipCollection = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(AllEquipments);
                return _allEquipCollection;


        <local:SearchComboBox x:Name="cmbAlternativeAsset" 
                                Width="200" IsEditable="True" 
                                FontSize="12" Foreground="#494949"
                                SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedEquipmentRego, Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" 
                                ItemsSource="{Binding AllEquipCollection}" SelectedValuePath="equipmentRego"
                                DisplayMemberPath="equipmentLabel" IsTextSearchEnabled="False"

    Binding ItemsSource to CollectionView and IsTextSearchEnabled false. Good Luck