I'm using grpc protobuf Message definitions and implementing them in Go.
My ultimate goal is for my rpc to retrieve some json on a user and return a Profile
Message with optional, nested Messages to be used for unmarshalling a subset of the json.
using this rpc:
rpc GetUser (GetUserRequest) returns (Profile) {
option (google.api.http) = {
get: "/user/{id=*}"
and assuming the following json:
"profile": {
"foo": {
"name": "tim"
"age": 22
"bar": {
"level": 5
I want to return a Profile
Message containing only "foo", "bar", or both, as nested Messages based on an incoming runtime scope
parameter of the grpc request (currently, scope
would be a list of strings containing the Message names to be used for subsetting the json into respective Messages e.g. ["Foo","Bar"]
given these Message definitions:
message Profile {
//both Foo & Bar are optional by default
Foo foo = 1 [json_name="foo"];
Bar bar = 2 [json_name="bar"];
message Foo {
string name = 1 [json_name="name"];
int32 age = 2 [json_name="age"];
message Bar {
string level = 1 [json_name="level"];
then in the case that scope
is ["Foo"]
, I'd like the rpc to return:
Foo: // Foo Message unmarshalled from json
or if "scope"
is ["Foo","Bar"]
The problem seems to boil down to "duck-typing" a Message type.
I got close to finding a solution using protoreflect
& protoregistry
by doing:
var scope protoreflect.FullName = "Foo"
var types = new(protoregistry.Types)
var message, errs = types.FindMessageByName(scope)
var almost_foo = message.New()
// using `myJson` object without top level "profile" key to make testing more simple at the moment
var myJson = `{ "foo": { .. }, "bar", { ... } }`
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(myJson), almost_foo)
but when I attempt to create Profile Message using almost_foo
var profile = &pb.Profile{almost_foo}
I get error: cannot use almost_foo (type protoreflect.Message) as type *package_name.Foo in field value
I try to dynamically create the message again:
var fd, errs = desc.LoadFileDescriptor("github.com/package/path/..")
var message_desc = fd.FindMessage("Foo")
var almost_foo = dynamic.NewMessage(message_desc)
and a similar error occurs:
cannot use almost_foo (type *dynamic.Message) as type *package_name.Foo in field value
Both attempts almost create a Message but the type system still doesn't allow either to actually be used.
Any help is appreciated.
I managed to solve this by whittling down the json to what I want first and then putting it through Unmarshal.
I created a top level Message that takes Profile
as a field:
message GetUserResponse {
Profile profile = 1;
and redefined the response:
rpc GetUser (GetUserRequest) returns (GetUserResponse)
To build the allowed/scoped json, I use:
I copy the json dictated by the scope paths (dot-delimited e.g. ["profile.foo"]
) over to an initially empty, output, response_json
string, and build up only the allowed json to be returned.
var response_json string
var scopes = []string{"profile.foo"}
for _, scope := range scopes {
// copy allowed json subset in raw form
value := gjson.Get(myJson, scope + "|@ugly")
// if scope didn't copy a value, skip
if value.String() == "" {
} else {
// write value to output json using SetRaw since value can be an object
response_json, _ = sjson.SetRaw(response_json, scope, value.Raw)
response_json looks like:
"profile": {
"foo": {
"name": "tim"
"age": 22
and then Unmarshal:
response = &pb.VerifyUserResponse{}
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(response_json), response)