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js.erb rendering only the ruby code, not the js

Edit: I solved the problem myself - see below

I have a form where I upload images using the add_picture_to_project_path route included in my projects_controller.rb. This method is exectuing the file upload in the model and then returning some Json to my controller. Once this is done I want to render the add_picture_to_project.js.erb file but I have the following issue. There is only the ruby code that is working, the javascript is not responding at all.


patch '/addLocalPicture', to: 'projects#add_picture_to_project', as: :add_picture_to_project


= bootstrap_form_tag(url: add_picture_to_project_path,method: :patch, html: { :multipart => true }) do |f|
        %input{type:'file', multiple: true, name:"picture", id:"fileupload"}
        = hidden_field_tag 'stock_id', "5da481f45d5f4443c644f89f"
        = hidden_field_tag 'project_id', @project._id
        = hidden_field_tag 'company_id', @company._id
        = f.submit("Valider", class: 'simple-btn')


       def add_picture_to_project
       picture_params = {
                stock_id: params[:stock_id],
                project_id: params[:project_id],
                company_id: params[:company_id],
       @picture = Picture.upload_picture(params[:picture], picture_params, bearer_token)

model: picture.rb

def self.upload_picture tempfile, picture_params, bearer_token
        params = {
                "photoUploadS3" =>, MIME::Types.type_for(tempfile.path), File.basename(tempfile.path)), 
                "stock_id" => picture_params[:stock_id], 
                "project_id" => picture_params[:project_id], 
                "company_id" => picture_params[:company_id], 
                "filename" => File.basename(tempfile.path), 
                "size" => File.size(tempfile.path)

        # Create the HTTP objects
        uri = URI("#{ENV['API_HOST']}/pictures/addLocalPicture")                       
        req = uri.path, params

        req.add_field("Authorization", "Bearer #{bearer_token}") #add to Headers
        res = Net::HTTP.start(uri.hostname, uri.port) do |http|
            res = http.request(req)
            response =  eval(encode_utf8(res.body))                  
            return response.to_struct       

This is rendering the add_picture_to_project.js.erb which is only executing the ruby content... Maybe it is because of the file names ?


<%= say "hello #{@picture}" %>

In my terminal I get

Rendering projects/add_picture_to_project.js.erb
/ "hello #<OpenStruct                  \
| stock_id=\"5da43c644f89f\ |
| ",                                   |
| project_id=\"5da0c75300c |
| a\",                                 |
| company_id=\"5caddb3d127 |
| 3\",                                 |
| filename=\"RackMultipart20191105-536 |
| 84-1um4lsk.jpg\", size=412324,       |
| unique_filename=\"ff3f2720-001a-11ea |
| -8828-01b6885e7183-RackMultipart2019 |
| 1105-53684-1um4lsk.jpg\",            |
| created_at=\"2019-11-05T22:24:13.926 |
| Z\",                                 |
| updated_at=\"2019-11-05T22:24:13.926 |
| Z\", status=1,                       |
| user_id=\"5d9f3817602ef027\" |
| ,                                    |
| projects=[\"5300ca |
\ \"]>"                                /

  Rendered projects/add_picture_to_project.js.erb

What should I change to have my javascript executed?

Answer: My issue was in the picture.js file - I had my datatype set to Json when it should be 'script'. This fix my issue. I leave my question here so that people can have more information on how to setup net http multipart file upload with the jquery file uploader.

        dataType: 'script',
        done: function (e, data) {
            $.each(data.result.files, function (index, file) {


  • Answer: My issue was in the picture.js file - I had my datatype set to Json when it should be 'script'. This fix my issue. I leave my question here so that people can have more information on how to setup net http multipart file upload with the jquery file uploader.

            dataType: 'script',
            done: function (e, data) {
                $.each(data.result.files, function (index, file) {