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How to install syndesis (stable) on minishift

I'm trying to install syndesis on minishift following the official guides.
Installed minishift on ubuntu, no issues. Next I've tried

  • ./syndesis minishift --install. In the end it says I have to run local dev builds for sysdesis-server syndesis-ui, etc
  • ./syndesis build --app-images but got some dependency errors
  • Run syndesis quickstart. All the pods are up except syndesis-server. It doesn't start due to error like UnknownHostException: syndesis-db in the migration bean
  • Also tried ./syndesis minishift --install --tag 1.8.12 to install stable version but not sure if I'm doing it right cause no success Any help ?


  • Sorry for the late response. We moved to use an Operator to do the installation and it caused a bunch of installation issues. If you have minishift installed then on Linux or Mac you should be able to get Syndesis installed using

    bash <(curl -sL

    See also:

    It uses the syndesis bash command line tool from (, so you can check out the code yourself too and run that using:

    ./.syndesis/bin/syndesis minishift --install --full-reset --nodev --open

    and then you can explore other options to specify a tag if you want.

    Hope this gets you going! Cheers, --Kurt