I want to use gulp-file-include
to assemble the index.html from different HTML files. The dist folder contains all production files. The problem is that gulp-watch
does not recognize if an HTML file has changed, so the HTML file in the dist folder will not be updated while I run watch.
How can I customize gulp so that gulp-watch
also detects these changes in real-time?
-- dist
---- css
---- js
---- vendor
---- index.html
-- res
---- js
---- scss
-- src
---- footer.html
---- nav.html
"use strict";
// Load plugins
const autoprefixer = require("gulp-autoprefixer");
const browsersync = require("browser-sync").create();
const cleanCSS = require("gulp-clean-css");
const del = require("del");
const gulp = require("gulp");
const header = require("gulp-header");
const merge = require("merge-stream");
const plumber = require("gulp-plumber");
const rename = require("gulp-rename");
const sass = require("gulp-sass");
const uglify = require("gulp-uglify");
const fileinclude = require('gulp-file-include');
// Load package.json for banner
const pkg = require('./package.json');
// BrowserSync
function browserSync(done) {
server: {
baseDir: "./dist/"
port: 3000
// BrowserSync reload
function browserSyncReload(done) {
// Clean vendor
function clean() {
return del(["./dist/vendor/"]);
// Bring third party dependencies from node_modules into vendor directory
function modules() {
// Bootstrap
var bootstrap = gulp.src('./node_modules/bootstrap/dist/**/*')
// Font Awesome CSS
var fontAwesomeCSS = gulp.src('./node_modules/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/css/**/*')
// Font Awesome Webfonts
var fontAwesomeWebfonts = gulp.src('./node_modules/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/webfonts/**/*')
// jQuery Easing
var jqueryEasing = gulp.src('./node_modules/jquery.easing/*.js')
// jQuery
var jquery = gulp.src([
return merge(bootstrap, fontAwesomeCSS, fontAwesomeWebfonts, jquery, jqueryEasing);
// CSS task
function css() {
return gulp
outputStyle: "expanded",
includePaths: "./node_modules",
.on("error", sass.logError)
cascade: false
.pipe(header(banner, {
pkg: pkg
suffix: ".min"
// JS task
function js() {
return gulp
.pipe(header(banner, {
pkg: pkg
suffix: '.min'
function html() {
return gulp
prefix: '@@',
basepath: '@file'
// Watch files
function watchFiles() {
gulp.watch("./res/scss/**/*", css);
gulp.watch(["./res/js/**/*", "!./dist/js/**/*.min.js"], js);
gulp.watch("./**/*.html", browserSyncReload);
// Define complex tasks
const vendor = gulp.series(clean, modules);
const build = gulp.series(vendor, gulp.parallel(css, js, html));
const watch = gulp.series(build, gulp.parallel(watchFiles, browserSync));
// Export tasks
exports.css = css;
exports.js = js;
exports.html = html;
exports.clean = clean;
exports.vendor = vendor;
exports.build = build;
exports.watch = watch;
exports.default = build;
BrowserSync is amazing but always seems tough to get it running the way you want! I endedup creating a little test projct to debug your gulpfile.js
Here is a tested, working version of your code, notes below:
'use strict';
// Load plugins
const autoprefixer = require('gulp-autoprefixer');
const browserSync = require('browser-sync').create();
const cleanCSS = require('gulp-clean-css');
const del = require('del');
const gulp = require('gulp');
const header = require('gulp-header');
const merge = require('merge-stream');
const plumber = require('gulp-plumber');
const rename = require('gulp-rename');
const sass = require('gulp-sass');
const uglify = require('gulp-uglify');
const fileinclude = require('gulp-file-include');
// Load package.json for banner
const pkg = require('./package.json');
// BrowserSync
function server(done) {
server: {
baseDir: './dist/'
port: 3000
// server reload
function browserSyncReload(done) {
// Clean vendor
function clean() {
return del(['./dist/vendor/']);
// Bring third party dependencies from node_modules into vendor directory
function modules() {
// Bootstrap
var bootstrap = gulp.src('./node_modules/bootstrap/dist/**/*')
// Font Awesome CSS
var fontAwesomeCSS = gulp.src('./node_modules/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/css/**/*')
// Font Awesome Webfonts
var fontAwesomeWebfonts = gulp.src('./node_modules/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/webfonts/**/*')
// jQuery Easing
var jqueryEasing = gulp.src('./node_modules/jquery.easing/*.js')
// jQuery
var jquery = gulp.src([
return merge(bootstrap, fontAwesomeCSS, fontAwesomeWebfonts, jquery, jqueryEasing);
// CSS task
function css() {
return gulp
outputStyle: 'expanded',
includePaths: './node_modules',
.on('error', sass.logError)
cascade: false
.pipe(header(banner, {
pkg: pkg
suffix: '.min'
.pipe(browserSync.stream({match: '**/*.css'}));
// JS task
function js() {
return gulp
.pipe(header(banner, {
pkg: pkg
suffix: '.min'
function html() {
return gulp
prefix: '@@',
basepath: '@file'
// Watch files
function watchFiles() {
gulp.watch('./res/scss/**/*', css);
gulp.watch(['./res/js/**/*', '!./dist/js/**/*.min.js'], gulp.series(js, browserSyncReload));
gulp.watch(['./src/**/*.html', 'index.html'], gulp.series(html, browserSyncReload));
// Define complex tasks
const vendor = gulp.series(clean, modules);
const build = gulp.series(vendor, gulp.parallel(css, js, html));
const watch = gulp.series(build, server, watchFiles);
// Export tasks
exports.css = css;
exports.js = js;
exports.html = html;
exports.clean = clean;
exports.vendor = vendor;
exports.build = build;
exports.watch = watch;
exports.browserSyncReload = browserSyncReload;
exports.server = server;
exports.default = build;
Only a couple of bits had to change to get this working:
gulp.watch('./**/*.html', browserSyncReload);
to: gulp.watch(['./src/**/*.html', 'index.html'], gulp.series(html, browserSyncReload));
is meant for injecting in code onto the page, so won’t work as you want for the html
and js
, so I’ve removed it from the tasks and replaced with a reload
in the watch task.browserSyncReload
and server
were neededwatchFiles
and browserSync
when running in parallel, so they now run in series. ie: The server builds first, then the files are watched.Changes that weren’t required but happened along the way:
and const named browsersync
was confusing me, so the function has been renamed to server
and the const is now browserSync
in the css task to only match: '**/*.css'