I have some data from an object from an S3 Bucket via Amplify.
export function amplify() {
let key = "68a92d44-f25a-4bd8-9543-cc95369ae9a0";
return Storage.get(key + ".json", {
download: true
.then(function(result) {
return result;
.catch(err => console.log(err));
And the resulting data looks like this:
Object { LastModified: Date Tue Nov 12 2019, ETag: "\"(lotsofnumbers)\"", ContentType: "application/json", Metadata: {}, Body: Uint8Array(4168) }
How would I go about getting the JSON data from this object?
I have tried result.Body.toString() which gives me the JSON file and its content, but I cannot write result.Body.toString().name or .meta (the content in my jsonfile), for example, it gives me "undefined". I have also tried to convert the Uint8Array to JSON with parse, whereas I get this error: "JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data".
This worked for me, don't know what was wrong, but now it works :)
var obj = amplify();
obj.then(async function(result) {
var json = await new Response(result.Body).json();