I am using kendo angular toolbar. When user is resizing screen overflow button is visible. But on click it refreshes the page. Looks like its doing post back.
Here Goes My code:
<kendo-toolbar [overflow]="true" [style.width.%] = "100" >
<ng-container *ngFor ="let actionBtnItem of actionBtn">
<kendo-toolbar-button *ngIf="(actionBtnItem.name == 'Delete' && !isStandard) || actionBtnItem.name != 'Delete'"
[text]="actionBtnItem.name" type="button"
[icon]= "actionBtnItem.icon.split('k-i-')[1]" [className]="(isTopBottomFilterApplied && actionBtnItem.name == 'Top/Bottom' ) ? 'k-button k-state-selected': ''"
(click)="show(actionBtnItem.value, $event)">
<kendo-toolbar-splitbutton [data]="downloadData" type="button" [text]="'Download'">Download</kendo-toolbar-splitbutton>
I tried the solution provided here kendo ui - why do button click refresh the page? and added type="button" but it works in my local environment only. When deployed in asp.net it doesnot work.
I tried executing this in my js file but this also doesnot help.
$('#action-button-component .k-overflow-anchor').click(function (e) {
If the the Toolbar is placed inside a form and the overflow button is clicked then the page is refreshed as demonstrated in the following example:
Indeed, that is a bug in the Kendo UI for Angular Toolbar package as of version 2.2.0.
That could be avoided by adding programmatically the attribute type="button" as demonstrated below:
ngAfterViewInit(){ document.querySelector('.koverflowanchor').setAttribute('type','button'); }