<video id="video" width="600px" height="400px" autoplay playinline muted loop controls src="test.mp4">
<svg id="svg" width="600" height="400" style="position: absolute; left:8px; background:gray;opacity:0.5">
let svg_element = document.getElementById("svg");
let svgns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg";
setInterval(() => {
let player_element = document.createElementNS(svgns, 'circle');
player_element.setAttribute("id", "player");
player_element.setAttribute("cx", 100);
player_element.setAttribute("cy", 100);
player_element.setAttribute("r", 40);
player_element.setAttribute("stroke", "blue");
player_element.setAttribute("stroke-width", 4);
player_element.setAttribute("fill", "lightgreen");
let animation = document.createElementNS(svgns, "animate")
animation.setAttribute("attributeType", "XML")
animation.setAttribute("attributeName", "cx")
animation.setAttribute("dur", "2s")
animation.setAttribute("to", 500)
animation.setAttribute("from", 100)
animation.setAttribute("fill", "freeze")
animationID = "test"
animation.setAttribute("id", animationID)
player = document.getElementById("player")
previous_animation = document.getElementById(animationID)
if (previous_animation != null) {
}, 1000);
This is a source code. What I want to do here is to control video play. But now, I can't control because the SVG area covers them. What do I have to do? The circle element must move above the video. More circles would be added.
You could try stopping the pointer events of the svg like so
pointer-events: none;