I have an annotation @MyAnnotation
and I can annotate any type (class) with it. Then I have a class called AnnotatedClassRegister
and I would like it to register all classes annotated with @MyAnnotation
so I can access them later. And I'd like to register these classes automatically upon creation of the AnnotatedClassRegister
if possible, and most importantly before the annotated classes are instantiated.
I have AspectJ and Guice at my disposal. The only solution I came up with so far is to use Guice to inject a singleton instance of the AnnotatedClassRegister
to an aspect, which searches for all classes annotated with @MyAnnotation
and it adds the code needed to register such class in its constructor. The downside of this solution is that I need to instantiate every annotated class in order for the code added by AOP to be actually run, therefore I cannot utilize lazy instantiation of these classes.
Simplified pseudo-code example of my solution:
// This is the class where annotated types are registered
public class AnnotatedClassRegister {
public void registerClass(Class<?> clz) {
// This is the aspect which adds registration code to constructors of annotated
// classes
public aspect AutomaticRegistrationAspect {
AnnotatedClassRegister register;
pointcutWhichPicksConstructorsOfAnnotatedClasses(Object annotatedType) :
execution(/* Pointcut definition */) && args(this)
after(Object annotatedType) :
pointcutWhichPicksConstructorsOfAnnotatedClasses(annotatedType) {
// registering the class of object whose constructor was picked
// by the pointcut
What approach should I use to address this problem? Is there any simple way to get all such annotated classes in classpath via reflection so I wouldn't need to use AOP at all? Or any other solution?
Any ideas are much appreciated, thanks!
It's possible:
Get all paths in a classpath. Parse System.getProperties().getProperty("java.class.path", null)
to get all paths.
Use ClassLoader.getResources(path)
to get all resources and check for classes: http://snippets.dzone.com/posts/show/4831