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SCNAction playAudio seems to cause a crash

I am seeing a crash in SceneKit that I was not seeing before iOS 13.1.2.

I’ve traced the issue to the following function and cannot completely suss out what is causing the issue.

If I comment out the line which runs the action on the node, all is well.

I can run playAudio actions on other pre-existing nodes in the scene but when I simply want to have a one-shot sound play using the below function, the app crashes.

So my thought is that perhaps this has something to do with the way I am instantiating the node but I cannot think of another way to instantiate a node just to play a sound at a given position.

I’ve also tried using a recycled audio source but that makes no difference.

Might anyone have any ideas what might be going on in this code to cause a crash? It’s just not obvious to me, especially since this had worked flawlessly before the iOS updates.

I’ve included the back trace below.

Thanks so much for any help / ideas!

Have a great weekend!


func play(sound: String, atPosition: SCNVector3, volume: Float, pitch: Float, loops: Bool, positional: Bool) {

// Sources will be pre-loaded and recycled for the finished app

if let source = SCNAudioSource(fileNamed: "art.scnassets/"+sound)
source.volume = volume
source.rate = pitch
source.isPositional = positional
source.shouldStream = false
source.loops = loops

let node = SCNNode() = "oneShot"

node.position = atPosition


// node.runAction(SCNAction.sequence([SCNAction.playAudio(source, waitForCompletion: true), SCNAction.removeFromParentNode()]))

// This line causes the crash

node.runAction(SCNAction.playAudio(source, waitForCompletion: false))


  • thread #14, name = '', queue = '', stop reason = EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x830b67ea0)
    • frame #0: 0x00000001b08d7030 libobjc.A.dylibobjc_retain + 16 frame #1: 0x00000001bd5a90c4 AVFAudio-[AVAudioPlayerNode didAttachToEngine:] + 140 frame #2: 0x00000001bd5b66e8 AVFAudioAVAudioEngineImpl::AttachNode(AVAudioNode*, bool) + 272 frame #3: 0x00000001bd5b2324 AVFAudio-[AVAudioEngine attachNode:] + 80 frame #4: 0x00000001c4aea48c SceneKitCPP3DAudioContext::AddVoice(void const*) + 120 frame #5: 0x00000001c4aeacf0 SceneKitCPP3DAudioEngine::AddVoice(void const*) + 192 frame #6: 0x00000001c49bd618 SceneKitC3DNodeAddAudioPlayer + 40 frame #7: 0x00000001c4a07924 SceneKit-[SCNNode addAudioPlayer:] + 132 frame #8: 0x00000001c49325e0 SceneKitSCNCPlaySound::cpp_updateWithTargetForTime(SCNNode*, double) + 96 frame #9: 0x00000001c499c690 SceneKitSCNActionApply + 112 frame #10: 0x00000001c4a2d7a4 SceneKit_applyActions + 236 frame #11: 0x00000001b0a8e1b8 CoreFoundation-[NSFrozenDictionaryM __apply:context:] + 128 frame #12: 0x00000001c4a2d5c8 SceneKitC3DAnimationManagerApplyActions + 104 frame #13: 0x00000001c4a173e4 SceneKit-[SCNRenderer _update:] + 576 frame #14: 0x00000001c4a19a04 SceneKit-[SCNRenderer _drawSceneWithNewRenderer:] + 200 frame #15: 0x00000001c4a19fbc SceneKit-[SCNRenderer _drawScene:] + 48 frame #16: 0x00000001c4a1a350 SceneKit-[SCNRenderer _drawAtTime:] + 616 frame #17: 0x00000001c4ab46b8 SceneKit-[SCNView _drawAtTime:] + 428 frame #18: 0x00000001c497ae38 SceneKit__69-[NSObject(SCN_DisplayLinkExtensions) SCN_setupDisplayLinkWithQueue:]_block_invoke + 56 frame #19: 0x00000001c4a7fe48 SceneKit__36-[SCNDisplayLink _callbackWithTime:]_block_invoke + 64 frame #20: 0x0000000105726c04 libdispatch.dylib_dispatch_client_callout + 16 frame #21: 0x0000000105735888 libdispatch.dylib_dispatch_lane_barrier_sync_invoke_and_complete + 124 frame #22: 0x00000001c4a7fdd8 SceneKit-[SCNDisplayLink _callbackWithTime:] + 232 frame #23: 0x00000001058f95f8 GPUToolsCore-[DYDisplayLinkInterposer forwardDisplayLinkCallback:] + 168 frame #24: 0x00000001b73da514 QuartzCoreCA::Display::DisplayLink::dispatch_items(unsigned long long, unsigned long long, unsigned long long) + 632 frame #25: 0x00000001b1acdeb0 IOKitIODispatchCalloutFromCFMessage + 488 frame #26: 0x00000001b0ae96d4 CoreFoundation__CFMachPortPerform + 172 frame #27: 0x00000001b0b12e5c CoreFoundation__CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE1_PERFORM_FUNCTION + 56 frame #28: 0x00000001b0b12588 CoreFoundation__CFRunLoopDoSource1 + 444 frame #29: 0x00000001b0b0d45c CoreFoundationCFRunLoopRun + 2168 frame #30: 0x00000001b0b0c8bc CoreFoundationCFRunLoopRunSpecific + 464 frame #31: 0x00000001b0e4c994 Foundation-[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runMode:beforeDate:] + 228 frame #32: 0x00000001c497b214 SceneKit__71-[SCNView(SCNDisplayLink) _initializeDisplayLinkWithCompletionHandler:]_block_invoke + 456 frame #33: 0x00000001c497b45c SceneKit__SCNRenderThread_start + 96 frame #34: 0x00000001b08b11ec libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 124


  • just wanted to update my question to say that this issue has resolved itself after updating to iOS 13.2. -My thanks to Apple. :)