Need to add color to checkbox in list view according to a condition like tree view decorator. If any line in tree view doesn't satisfy certain condition then need to change color of checkbox in odoo 10
Add this code to your module/static/src/xml/file.xml
<tr t-extend="ListView.row">
<t t-jquery="td[class='o_list_record_selector']" t-operation="replace">
<td t-if="options.selectable" class="o_list_record_selector">
<t t-set="checked" t-value="options.select_view_id == record.get('id') ? 'checked' : null"/>
<input t-if="" type="radio" name="radiogroup" t-att-checked="checked"/>
<t t-if="view.model == 'account.asset.asset'">
<t t-if="asData.state.value == 'make_draft'">
<div t-if="!" class="o_checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" name="radiogroup" style="outline-color: solid !important; outline-style: auto;" t-att-checked="checked"/><span/>
<t t-if="asData.state.value == 'draft'">
<div t-if="!" class="o_checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" name="radiogroup" style="outline-color: green !important; outline-style: auto;" t-att-checked="checked"/><span/>
<t t-if="view.model != 'account.asset.asset'">
<div t-if="!" class="o_checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" name="radiogroup" t-att-checked="checked"/><span/>