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How to write identical information in a specific cell for all sheets?

I have an Excel file with around 50 sheets where I've inserted a row at the beginning of the data. Now I want to write the variables names. For example: In cell A1 I want to write "code" , in B1 I wanna write "price", and so on till F1.

I want to do this simultaneously for all the Excel sheets.

I tried with this code:

Sub mycode()

Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
    Range("A1") = "code"
    Range("B1") = "denom"
    Range("C1") = "location"
    Range("D1") = "area_m2"
    Range("E1") = "price_$m2"
    Range("F1") = "zoning"

End Sub

The problem is that I get only the variables names on my active sheet. I want the names for all the sheets of my workbook.

Could you please suggest some modifications for doing this?

Thanks in advance!


  • Alternative procedure

    I'd like to demonstrate an alternative to @BigBen 's valid answer using the FillAcrossSheets method:

    Sub FillHeaders(rng As Range, arr)
        rng = arr: Sheets.FillAcrossSheets rng
    End Sub

    Example call

    FillHeaders Sheet1.Range("A1:F1"), Array("code", "price", "foo", "bar", "test2", "test3")

    Clarifying notes to the Sheets.FillAcrossSheets method //--- Edit as of 03/13 2024

    • a) The Sheets property of the Workbook object without any further indications returns a collection of all the sheets in the specified or active workbook: Sheets.FillAcrossSheets rng
    • b) One can limit the collection to fewer sheets by subreferencing an array of sheet names (or index numbers): Sheets(SheetsArr).FillAcrossSheets rng, where SheetsArr might comprise e.g. SheetsArray = Split("Sheet1 Sheet3 Sheet4") or even ..= Array(1,3,4). - In this case it is important to include the sheet containing the base range rngto avoid a runtime error 1004.
    • c) Surprisingly one may even pass an empty SheetsArray: Sheets(Array()).FillAcrossSheets rng with the same result as Sheets.FillAcrossSheets rng alone.
    • d) The Sheets.FillAcrossSheets method comprises a further argument Type which can be used for the formatting purposes discribed below.

    VBA language reference

    Syntax: {Sheets object}.FillAcrossSheets Range[, Type]

    Name (Type arg.) Value Description
    xlFillWithAll -4104 Copy contents and formats.
    xlFillWithContents 2 Copy contents only.
    xlFillWithFormats -4122 Copy formats only.