push_back, begin, end are described as concurrent safe in https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/parallel/concrt/reference/concurrent-vector-class?view=vs-2019#push_back
However the below code is asserting. Probably because element is added but not initialized yet.
struct MyData
explicit MyData()
memset(arr, 0xA5, sizeof arr);
std::uint8_t arr[1024];
struct MyVec
concurrency::concurrent_vector<MyData> v;
auto vector_pushback(MyVec &vec) -> void
auto vector_loop(MyVec &vec) -> void
MyData myData;
for (auto it = vec.v.begin(); it != vec.v.end(); ++it)
auto res = memcmp(&(it->arr), &(myData.arr), sizeof myData.arr);
assert(res == 0);
int main()
auto vec = MyVec{};
auto th_vec = std::vector<std::thread>{};
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
th_vec.emplace_back(vector_pushback, std::ref(vec));
th_vec.emplace_back(vector_loop, std::ref(vec));
for(auto &th : th_vec)
return 0;
According to the docs, it should be safe to append to a concurrency::concurrent_vector
while iterating over it because the elements are not actually stored contiguously in memory like std::vector
object does not relocate its elements when you append to it or resize it. This enables existing pointers and iterators to remain valid during concurrent operations.
However, looking at the actual implementation of push_back
in VS2017, I see the following, which I don't think is thread-safe:
iterator push_back( _Ty &&_Item )
size_type _K;
void *_Ptr = _Internal_push_back(sizeof(_Ty), _K);
new (_Ptr) _Ty( std::move(_Item));
return iterator(*this, _K, _Ptr);
I have to speculate on _Internal_push_back
here, but I'd wager it allocates raw memory for storing the item (and points the last element towards this new node) so that the next line can use emplacement new. I'd imagine that _Internal_push_back
is internally thread-safe, however I don't see any synchronization happening before the emplacement new. Meaning the following is possible:
to discover that they're not equalThere's definitely a race condition here. I can spontaneously reproduce the problem, moreso the more threads I use.
I recommend that you open a ticket with Microsoft support on this one.