I have a StudentService
class. And I have written a class for unit testing methods of StudentService
class. My code is as follows:-
public class StudentService {
StudentInstitutionMapper studentInstitutionMapper;
public Integer getPresentStudentCount(StudentParams studentParam) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
StudentInstitutionExample example = new StudentInstitutionExample();
StudentInstitutionExample.Criteria criteria = example.createCriteria();
List<StudentInstitution> studentInstitutionList = studentInstitutionMapper.selectByExample(example);//line 8 in method
return studentInstitutionList.size();
And in my unit testing class, I have written following method.
public void testStudentService_getPresentStudentCount1()
StudentService service=new StudentService();
StudentParams studentParam=mock(StudentParams.class);
Integer institutionTestId=3539;
int i=service.getPresentStudentCount(studentParam);
when I execute the test class, i get error. This is because in StudentService
class, in getPresentStudentCount()
method, at line 8, the studentInstitutionMapper
field is null
. This is happening only for mocked object. How do i get autowired fields of mocked object?
You need to use the @InjectMocks annotation in your unit test :
class StudentServiceTest {
private StudentInstitutionMapper studentInstitutionMapper;
private StudentService studentService;
public void testStudentService_getPresentStudentCount1() {
StudentParams studentParam = mock(StudentParams.class);
Integer institutionTestId = 3539;
int i = studentService.getPresentStudentCount(studentParam);
assertEquals(0, i);
You should also configure the behavior of the studentInstitutionMapper in the unit test to make it return the expected result.