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Git diff between 2 tags without full fetch fails running using git-bash.exe

I am trying to run git-cmd.exe from my code using Process. Below commands when passed to git-cmd.exe runs successfully when the git diff is happening between 2 branches.

git init
git remote add origin "<repo-name>"
git fetch origin <branch1>
git fetch origin <branch2>
git diff --name-only --diff-filter=d <branch1>:<folder1> <branch2>:<folder1>

I need to find the file names which were modified or added in <folder1> only, between the given branches. I am executing these commands by passing them as a string[] to a function.

Public Function RunAndReturnExitCode(ByVal Command As String(), ByVal Directory As String,
                                         Optional ByVal MaximumWaitTime As Integer = -1,
                                         Optional ByRef Output As String = Nothing,
                                         Optional ByRef Errors As String = Nothing) As String
        Dim exePath As String = "C:\Program Files (x86)\PortableGit\git-cmd.exe"
        Dim si As ProcessStartInfo = New ProcessStartInfo(exePath)
        si.RedirectStandardInput = True
        si.RedirectStandardOutput = True
        si.RedirectStandardError = True
        si.UseShellExecute = False
        si.WorkingDirectory = Directory

        Dim p As Process = Process.Start(si)

        With p.StandardInput
            .WriteLine("cd /d """ & Directory & """")
            Array.ForEach(Command, Sub(c) .WriteLine(c))
        End With
        Output = p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd()
        Errors = p.StandardError.ReadToEnd()
        Return p.ExitCode.ToString()
    End Function

Due to performance issues, we have now started working on tags. So, I am now doing:

git init
git remote add origin "<repo-name>"
git fetch origin refs/tags/[tag1]
git fetch origin refs/tags/[tag2]
git diff --name-only --diff-filter=d [tag1]:[folder1] [tag2]:[folder1]

Here, the diff command fails by:

fatal: Invalid object name '[tag1]'.

I tried running a few commands manually from git-cmd.exe, where I found git checkout refs/tags/[tag1] itself failed by:

error: pathspec '[tag1]' did not match any file(s) known to git.

Does this mean that my local repository does not have any info of [tag1]? If not, then why was there no error while fetching them? Can anyone suggest here, how I can fetch only these 2 tags and do a diff between them?
Tried git diff tag1 tag2, but its failing by :

fatal: ambiguous argument '[tag1]': unknown revision or path not in the working tree.

Please please let me know if any more inputs are required here from me. Also, I can not do a git fetch --tags as it hangs (I suppose, this is not the issue here as fetching the tags separately does not hang). To add, my organization does not permit usage of

As suggested by @torek, a git fetch refs/tags/tag1 was a wrong approach. I have now updated it to:

git fetch origin +refs/tags/tag1:refs/tags/tag1 +refs/tags/tag2:refs/tags/tag2

The command works fine on git-cmd.exe and I am able to get the diff. But it hangs when I fire through a process. My SSH repository does not have a pass-phrase, so it is for sure that the RSA Aunthentication isn't failing. Any suggestions here? Am I firing the commands correctly via the process?


  • This:

    git fetch origin refs/tags/[tag1]

    is wrong as it obtains the desired commit but does not write any name in your repository. The commit is now available through FETCH_HEAD, but only until the next git fetch. That is:

    git fetch origin refs/tags/[tag2]

    obtains that desired commit, but overwrites FETCH_HEAD, so that now the only name you have—FETCH_HEAD—refers only to the second desired commit.

    To fix this, you could either fetch both and discard their tag names, but now have both hash IDs in FETCH_HEAD (you would have to retrieve them yourself), or you can direct git fetch to create or update your refs/tags/tag1 and refs/tags/tag2 names:

    git fetch origin +refs/tags/tag1:refs/tags/tag1 +refs/tags/tag2:refs/tags/tag2

    The colon and second name provide the name of the reference to create-or-update in your Git repository. The leading plus sign + here tells git fetch that this particular update should be forced, i.e., it should overwrite any previous tag of the same name.

    Of course, git fetch --tags should work. (git pull --tags means run git fetch --tags, then run a second Git command, probably git merge. If you don't want to run any second Git command automatically, don't use git pull.) If this hangs, it may be worth investigating why: all it does is call up the other Git just like any git fetch, but this time also fetch refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*.