I have 3 differents types of environments : local, staging and integration. Each of those environments(application-local.yml, application-staging.yml, application-integration.yml) has some own properties for example proxies.
For every environments i created differents packages : com.myapp.local; com.myapp.staging; com.myapp.integration.. Into each packages they are differents tests.
How can i then write a test suite in micronaut, where a suite run for one package and one specific environment?
Ex: Test Suite 1 run for package com.myapp.local with environment local
How can i then write a test suite in micronaut, where a suite run for one package and one specific environment?
It depends on some factors that you haven't described but one piece is that if you only want to run tests for a certain package, if you are using Gradle you can do something like this...
./gradlew test --tests com.myapp.local.*