I am creating a quick project using R2DBC and H2 to familiarize myself with this new reactive stuff. Made a repository that extends ReactiveCrudRepository and all is well with the world, as long as i use the DatabaseClient to issue a CREATE TABLE statement that matches my entity first...
I understand spring data R2DBC is not as fully featured as spring data JPA (yet?) but is there currently a way to generate the schema from the entity classes?
No, there is currently no way to generate schema from entities with Spring Data R2DBC.
I'm using it in a project with Postgres DB and it's complicated to manage database migrations, but I managed to wire in Flyway with synchronous Postgre driver (Flyway doesn't work with reactive drivers yet) at startup to handle schema migrations.
Even though you still have to write your own CREATE TABLE statements which shouldn't be that hard and you could even modify your entities in some simple project to create JPA entities and let Hibernate create schema then copy-paste it into a migration file in your R2DBC project.