I'm wanting to store a tree structure in Postgres, and I'm hoping to embed an arbitrary Elixir struct on each node of the tree, something like this:
defmodule Node do
use Ecto.Schema
schema "nodes" do
belongs_to :parent_node, Node
embeds_one :struct, ArbitraryDataType
However, I believe embeds_one
requires a specific struct data type to be specified, which won't work for my case. Is there a way around this?
My backup plan is to use two fields, one for the struct type
and one for the struct fields
, like this:
defmodule Node do
use Ecto.Schema
schema "nodes" do
belongs_to :parent_node, Node
field :struct_type, :string
field :fields, :map
In order to save the record in the first place, I would need to use the __struct__
field to determine the struct type. Then, I would use logic something like the following to rebuild the original struct after retrieving the node from the database:
String.to_atom("Elixir.#{retrieved_node.struct_type}") |> struct,
fn {k,v}, s -> Map.put(s, String.to_atom(k), v) end
I've recently solved a similar issue, and as I see it you have two options. Either you ...
This allows you to exactly control what kind of data you want to encode into the field. By doing this you can retain the module of the struct and the fields with relative ease.
A possible implementation might look like this:
defmodule EctoStruct do
use Ecto.Type
def type, do: :map
def cast(%_{} = struct), do: {:ok, struct}
def cast(_), do: :error
def dump(%module{} = struct) do
data = %{
"module" => Atom.to_string(module),
"fields" => Map.from_struct(struct)
{:ok, data}
def load(%{"module" => module, "fields" => fields}) do
module = String.to_existing_atom(module)
fields = Enum.map(fields, fn {k, v} -> {String.to_existing_atom(k), v} end)
{:ok, struct!(module, fields)}
_ -> :error
With this in place you can "simply" use field :my_struct, EctoStruct
in your schema.
Alternatively you ...
A tree is an inherently connected data structure. Depending on your exact requirements and how deep your tree becomes, traversing said tree with Postgres can become very slow very fast.
While I solved the issue mentioned earlier I hit said performance issues quite early, having to use recursive joins and materialized views to stay close to usable response times.
Since then I switched over to a graph database (Neo4j) and my performance issues completely disappeared. This would also easily allow you to encode various differing struct types into your tree by making use of Labels
Depending on your particular requirements this might be worth a thought.