I made a macro (commandbutton
), which is working (probably not the best solution, but it's working):
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim myval As Variant
Dim ws As Worksheet
myval = InputBox("Zadaj číslo riadku:")
Set ws = ActiveSheet
If StrPtr(result) = 0 Then
ElseIf myval = vbNullString Then
ws.Range("F3").Value = myval
End If
ws.PrintOut From:=1, To:=1
End Sub
Now I want to make a USERFORM
. I made this:
But now I'm stuck:
I don't know how to make an input from textbox
(there would be 3 inputs on Page1)
Problem is the loop. I want to make a loop - input2
to input3
. So for example: Input2.value = 1, Input3.value = 60, then I want a loop from 1 to 60.
A Textbox contains Text but a loop expect numbers. Try something like this:
Dim lngText1 as Long
Dim lngText2 as Long
Dim i as Long
If IsNumeric(Me.Controls("textbox2").Value) And isNumeric(Me.Controls("textbox3").Value) Then
lngText1 = CLng(Me.Controls("textbox2").Value)
lngText2 = CLng(Me.Controls("textbox3").Value)
For i = lngText1 To lngText2
'Your code
Next i
MsgBox "Please insert numbers"
End If