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How to compile complex queries with SqlKata first and execute later

I want to create and compile a SQL query using SqlKata and then in some other function execute this query. It's not obvious based on the documentation how this is done, especially for complex queries.

I have tried converting the query to a string and then running it, but this does not seem to be the right thing to do and the string does not compile well for complex queries.

    public class TradeLoader : ITradeLoader

        public SqlResult CreateTradeQuery(Target targets, Group groups, DateTime fromTime)
            var compiler = new SqlServerCompiler();
            var query = new Query().FromRaw(@"
                    [trades] AS t WITH (NOLOCK)
                    LEFT JOIN [info] AS i WITH (NOLOCK)
                    ON t.Id = i.Id
                .Select("i.Name", "t.Price", "t.Volume")
                .WhereTime("t.CreatedDate", ">", fromTime);

            var subQuery = new Query(@"
                    [trades] AS t WITH (NOLOCK)
                    LEFT JOIN [info] AS i WITH (NOLOCK)
                    ON t.Id = i.Id
            foreach (var target in targets)
                subQuery.OrWhere(q => q.WhereIn("i.Name", groups.Keys).WhereIn("i.GroupName", target.Value));

            SqlResult result = compiler.Compile(query);
            return result; // How to execute this somewhere else?

It's not clear to me how I can execute this query somewhere else, either using the SqlKata.Execution or System.Data.SqlClient. Preferably I should be able to run it in both.


  • This is probably basic knowledge for those who are proficient in C#/.NET, but what I wanted to do was to inject params into the SQL query created with SqlKata and then run it without using SqlKata. In the end, I did it in the following way (and there are probably other ways to do this too):

    public class TradeLoader : ITradeLoader
        public async Task<SomeDataType> RunQuery()
            var sqlCommand = CreateTradeQuery(someTargets, someGroups, someDateTime);
            using (SqlConnection sql = new SqlConnection(_connectionString))
                var command = new SqlCommand(sqlCommand.Sql, sql) {CommandTimeout = _timeout};
                foreach (var (name, value) in sqlCommand.NamedBindings)
                    var parameter = command.CreateParameter();
                    parameter.ParameterName = name;
                    parameter.Value = value;
                using (SqlDataReader dataReader = await command.ExecuteReaderAsync())
                    while (await dataReader.ReadAsync())
                        // read data here
            return data;

    This allows you to build your queries with SqlKata, but run the query using other libraries like in this example where I use System.Data.SqlClient.