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Migration from TFS 2005 to TFS 2010

I have installed TFS 2010 on a new server (vmware running windows server 2008 r2) and restored from backup my old TFS 2005 Database onto the new server. The installation seems to have succeeded - I can create a NEW TFS 2010 team project and I can do checkin/checkout for it.

I made a mistake, however, with the TFS 2010 configuration manager - I ran the advanced configration wizard and NOT the upgrade wizard. Now I don't see my old TFS 2005 team project and the upgrade wizard is now disabled. In order to fix my mistake I tried this:

TFSServiceControl quiesce

tfsconfig import /sqlInstance:MyServer\DBinstanceName /collectionName:MyImported /confirmed

This is the output of this commands:

TF255152: Service is not running: TFSJobAgent
The upgrade of the project collection MyImported has been queued.
Waiting on the upgrade operation to complete.

...and now I am waiting for too much time for this operation to complete (my version control DB is 15 GB).

How can I import my old TFS 2005 team project to the new TFS 2010 server?


  • Here you go it supports inplace upgrades...