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How do you find all implementations of an interface?

Suppose you have an interface defined in C#. What is the easiest method to find all classes that provide an implementation of the interface?

The brute force method would be to use "Find References" in Visual Studio and manually look through the results to separate out the usages from the implementations, but for an interface in a large codebase that is heavily referenced with relatively few implementations, this can be time consuming and error prone.

In Java, running javadoc on the codebase (using the -private option to include private classes) would generate a documentation page for the interface (e.g. Comparable) that includes all implementing classes for the interface as well as any subinterfaces (though it doesn't include implementing classes of the subinterfaces, these are relatively easy to determine by drilling down into the listed subinterfaces). It's this functionality that I'm looking for but with C# and Visual Studio.


  • In plain Visual Studio (since 2010) you can right click a method name (definition in interface or implementation in other class) and choose View Call Hierarchy. In Call Hierarchy window there is "Implements" folder where you can find all locations of the interface method implementation.