I'm using Laravel Pug https://github.com/BKWLD/laravel-pug, and the file is named *.pug.blade.php. I'm trying to set an attribute value.
| <?php $x = "any"; ?>
div(class!="{{ $x }}")
| {{ $x }}
the output html is
<div class="{{ $x }}">any</div>
Interestingly, in attribute, the php variable is accessed with no < ? php ? > or {{ }} enclosures, just like javascript variables
| <?php $x = "any"; ?>
| {{ $x }}
the HTML output
<div class="any">any</div>
Also, the dollar sign can be omitted, and interpolation can be used
| <?php $x = "any"; ?>
div(class = x + "test")
| {{ $x }}
the HTML output
<div class="anytest">any</div>