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Is GCC9 avoiding valueless state of std::variant allowed?

I recently followed a Reddit discussion which lead to a nice comparison of std::visit optimization across compilers. I noticed the following:

Both GCC9 and Clang9 (I guess they share the same stdlib) do not generate code for checking and throwing a valueless exception when all types meet some conditions. This leads to way better codegen, hence I raised an issue with the MSVC STL and was presented with this code:

template <class T>
struct valueless_hack {
  struct tag {};
  operator T() const { throw tag{}; }

template<class First, class... Rest>
void make_valueless(std::variant<First, Rest...>& v) {
  try { v.emplace<0>(valueless_hack<First>()); }
  catch(typename valueless_hack<First>::tag const&) {}

The claim was, that this makes any variant valueless, and reading the docu it should:

First, destroys the currently contained value (if any). Then direct-initializes the contained value as if constructing a value of type T_I with the arguments std::forward<Args>(args).... If an exception is thrown, *this may become valueless_by_exception.

What I don't understand: Why is it stated as "may"? Is it legal to stay in the old state if the whole operation throws? Because this is what GCC does:

  // For suitably-small, trivially copyable types we can create temporaries
  // on the stack and then memcpy them into place.
  template<typename _Tp>
    struct _Never_valueless_alt
    : __and_<bool_constant<sizeof(_Tp) <= 256>, is_trivially_copyable<_Tp>>
    { };

And later it (conditionally) does something like:

T tmp  = forward(args...);
// Or
variant tmp(inplace_index<I>, forward(args...));
*this = move(tmp);

Hence basically it creates a temporary, and if that succeeds copies/moves it into the real place.

IMO this is a violation of "First, destroys the currently contained value" as stated by the docu. As I read the standard, then after a v.emplace(...) the current value in the variant is always destroyed and the new type is either the set type or valueless.

I do get that the condition is_trivially_copyable excludes all types that have an observable destructor. So this can also be though as: "as-if variant is reinitialized with the old value" or so. But the state of the variant is an observable effect. So does the standard indeed allow, that emplace does not change the current value?

Edit in response to a standard quote:

Then initializes the contained value as if direct-non-list-initializing a value of type TI with the arguments std​::​forward<Args>(args)....

Does T tmp {std​::​forward<Args>(args)...}; this->value = std::move(tmp); really count as a valid implementation of the above? Is this what is meant by "as if"?


  • I think the important part of the standard is this:

    From Modifiers


    template variant_alternative_t>& emplace(Args&&... args);

    (...) If an exception is thrown during the initialization of the contained value, the variant might not hold a value

    It says "might" not "must". I would expect this to be intentional in order to allow implementations like the one used by gcc.

    As you mentioned yourself, this is only possible if the destructors of all alternatives are trivial and thus unobservable because destroying the previous value is required.

    Followup question:

    Then initializes the contained value as if direct-non-list-initializing a value of type TI with the arguments std​::​forward<Args>(args)....

    Does T tmp {std​::​forward(args)...}; this->value = std::move(tmp); really count as a valid implementation of the above? Is this what is meant by "as if"?

    Yes, because for types that are trivially copyable there is no way to detect the difference, so the implementation behaves as if the value was initialized as described. This would not work if the type was not trivially copyable.