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Failed to execute 'createBuffer' on 'BaseAudioContext'

Failed to execute 'createBuffer' on 'BaseAudioContext': The number of frames provided (0) is less than or equal to the minimum bound (0)."

My project attempts to create an audiobuffer for a Float32Array stream chunk.

initialization of audiocontext

  constructor(loading: LoadingService) {
    this.audiocontext = new audiocontext()

creation of audio buffer

private onmusicdownloaded = (response: streamresponse) => {  
    if(response.totalchunks !== 0 &&
      isnullorundefined(this.buffers)) {
      this.buffers = new Array<AudioBuffer>(response.totalchunks) //lets me make correct playback decisions
    console.log('stream chunk received')   
    let rawbuffer = new Float32Array(response.chunk)
    let newbuffer = this.audiocontext.createBuffer(1, rawbuffer.length, 44100)

    this.buffers[this.currentbufferdownloaded] = newbuffer

    if(this.musicisreadytoplay() === false) {

It fails at the source line where the newbuffer variable is defined. I dont understand how I can "provide frames" without creating the buffer first.

link to full file

All solution thoughts would be appreciated.


  • @Kaiido It's embarrassing but that was the right answer! I need to remember to always check my assumptions.

    enter image description here