Below is the command generated by ansible plugin for Jenkins.
ansible-playbook /app/stop.yml -i /app/my-hosts -l test_west -e app_name=test -e environments=west -v
Here is my ansible inventory hosts file.
cat my-hosts
-l option helps match the ansible inventory host file 'test_west'
My question is ... what do I have to mention in the ansible playbook for the hosts ?
My playbook looks like below however this does not seem correct or needed as the hosts are match using the -l paramter passed to ansible:
- hosts: "{{ app_name + '_' + environments }}
Can you please suggest what should I set the hosts: to in my ansible playbook so it is the same as -l argument i.e 'test_west' ?
You should use: - hosts: "{{ app_name }}_{{ environments }}"
Sample output:
[root@greenhat-30 tests]$ ansible-playbook -i hosts test.yml -e app_name=test -e environments=west
[WARNING]: Could not match supplied host pattern, ignoring: test_west
PLAY [test_west] *******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
skipping: no hosts matched
PLAY RECAP *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
[http_offline@greenhat-30 tests]$
You can see the group selected is PLAY [test_west]