I would like to test on a static method (e.g. HobbyUtil.java:shareReadContext(int lineNumber)
) which would ask a Singleton class (e.g. Shelf.java
) to get an object (e.g. a Book
) for further retrieving values (e.g. lines of context ) from that returned object.
However, during the mock case execution, the ctor of that Singleton class (i.e. Shelf.java
) would trigger several other Singleton classes (e.g. LibraryA.java
) in a chain; and one of them would trigger java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
I think mocking/spying those irrelevant Singleton classes is out of the spirit of Mock Test as they are irrelevant to my testing scope.
So I decided to suppress the private ctor of this Singleton class (i.e. Shelf.java
) and just let the getter method in this class (i.e. getBook()
) to return a mocked object with my preferred behavior, which would perfectly match my test case.
The problem I've encountered is that I follow this link to suppress the ctor of Shelf.java successfully: suppress a singleton constructor in java with powermock
but I couldn't figure out the way to let this getter method return what I want properly (i.e. return a mocked object).
The version of PowerMockito, hamcrest and JUnit I am using are listed here for a reference:
I have also replicated the case with below sample classes to show what I have encountered (HobbyUtilTest.java is the class for my test case):
Supposed there are 5 Java classes in the application:
public interface Book {
public String getContext(int lineNumber);
public class Shelf {
private static final Shelf shelf = new Shelf();
private String BOOK_NAME = "HarryPotter";
private Book book = null;
private Shelf() {
book = LibraryA.getInstance().getBook(BOOK_NAME);
// many relatively complicated logics are here in actual class ...
// I want to suppress this ctor
public static Shelf getInstance() {
return shelf;
public Book getBook() {
return book; // I want to return my mocked object while calling this method in test case
public class HobbyUtil {
public static String shareReadContext(int lineNumber){
String context = "";
Book book = Shelf.getInstance().getBook();
for (int i = 0 ; i < lineNumber; i++) {
context += book.getContext(i);
return context;
private HobbyUtil() {}
public class LibraryA {
private static final LibraryA library = new LibraryA();
private Book book;
private LibraryA() {
throw new java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError();
public static LibraryA getInstance() {
return library;
public Book getBook(String bookName) {
return book;
public class BookImpl implements Book{
private String bookName = null;
BookImpl(String bookName){
this.bookName = bookName;
public String getContext(int lineNumber) {
return lineNumber + ": Context";
And I would test the static method shareReadContext(int lineNumber)
in HobbyUtil.java
with HobbyUtilTest.java
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.is;
import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;
import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.anyInt;
import static org.powermock.api.mockito.PowerMockito.when;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.powermock.api.mockito.PowerMockito;
import org.powermock.core.classloader.annotations.PrepareForTest;
import org.powermock.modules.junit4.PowerMockRunner;
@PrepareForTest(value = { Shelf.class })
public class HobbyUtilTest {
public void testShareReadContext() throws Exception {
Book mockBook = PowerMockito.mock(Book.class);
when(mockBook.getContext(anyInt())).thenReturn("context for test");
//when(Shelf.getInstance().getBook()).thenReturn(mockBook); // does not work
//PowerMockito.doReturn(mockBook).when(Shelf.getInstance().getBook()); // does not work
//PowerMockito.when(Shelf.class, "getBook").thenReturn(mockBook); // does not work
//TODO any approach for it?
String context = HobbyUtil.shareReadContext(1);
assertThat(context, is("context for test"));
Could anyone please help to suggest how could I let the line Book book = Shelf.getInstance().getBook();
in HobbyUtil.java
return my mocked object (i.e. mockBook
Assuming that your Shelf
class is in a package test
, this should work:
public class HobbyUtilTest {
public void testShareReadContext() throws Exception {
Book book = Mockito.mock(Book.class);
Mockito.when(book.getContext(Mockito.anyInt())).thenReturn("context for test");
Shelf shelf = Mockito.mock(Shelf.class);
String context = HobbyUtil.shareReadContext(1);
Assert.assertEquals("context for test", context);
You'll want to suppress the initialization of the fields of Shelf
(not only the constructor) and afterwards simply define the appropriate mocks for the Shelf.getInstance()
(and subsequent) methods.
seems to be equivalent to:
public class HobbyUtilTest {
public void testShareReadContext() throws Exception {
// ...