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Testing a static method which needs to mock a member method and suppress singleton constructor with PowerMockito

I would like to test on a static method (e.g. lineNumber) ) which would ask a Singleton class (e.g. ) to get an object (e.g. a Book ) for further retrieving values (e.g. lines of context ) from that returned object.

However, during the mock case execution, the ctor of that Singleton class (i.e. ) would trigger several other Singleton classes (e.g. ) in a chain; and one of them would trigger java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError.

I think mocking/spying those irrelevant Singleton classes is out of the spirit of Mock Test as they are irrelevant to my testing scope.

So I decided to suppress the private ctor of this Singleton class (i.e. ) and just let the getter method in this class (i.e. getBook() ) to return a mocked object with my preferred behavior, which would perfectly match my test case.

The problem I've encountered is that I follow this link to suppress the ctor of successfully: suppress a singleton constructor in java with powermock

but I couldn't figure out the way to let this getter method return what I want properly (i.e. return a mocked object).

The version of PowerMockito, hamcrest and JUnit I am using are listed here for a reference:


I have also replicated the case with below sample classes to show what I have encountered ( is the class for my test case):

Supposed there are 5 Java classes in the application:

public interface Book {
    public String getContext(int lineNumber);
public class Shelf {

    private static final Shelf shelf = new Shelf();
    private String BOOK_NAME = "HarryPotter";
    private Book book = null;

    private Shelf() {
        book = LibraryA.getInstance().getBook(BOOK_NAME);
        // many relatively complicated logics are here in actual class ... 
        // I want to suppress this ctor 

    public static Shelf getInstance() {
        return shelf;

    public Book getBook() {
        return book;  // I want to return my mocked object while calling this method in test case

public class HobbyUtil {

    public static String shareReadContext(int lineNumber){
        String context = "";
        Book book = Shelf.getInstance().getBook();

        for (int i = 0 ; i < lineNumber; i++) {
            context += book.getContext(i);
        return context;

    private HobbyUtil() {}
public class LibraryA {
    private static final LibraryA library = new LibraryA();
    private Book book;

    private LibraryA() {
        throw new java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError();

    public static LibraryA getInstance() {
        return library;

    public Book getBook(String bookName) {
        return book;
public class BookImpl implements Book{

    private String bookName = null;

    BookImpl(String bookName){
        this.bookName = bookName;

    public String getContext(int lineNumber) {
        return lineNumber + ": Context";

And I would test the static method shareReadContext(int lineNumber) in with

import static;
import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;
import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.anyInt;
import static org.powermock.api.mockito.PowerMockito.when;

import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.powermock.api.mockito.PowerMockito;
import org.powermock.core.classloader.annotations.PrepareForTest;
import org.powermock.modules.junit4.PowerMockRunner;

@PrepareForTest(value = { Shelf.class })
public class HobbyUtilTest {

    public void testShareReadContext() throws Exception {

        Book mockBook = PowerMockito.mock(Book.class);
        when(mockBook.getContext(anyInt())).thenReturn("context for test");

        //when(Shelf.getInstance().getBook()).thenReturn(mockBook); // does not work
        //PowerMockito.doReturn(mockBook).when(Shelf.getInstance().getBook()); // does not work
        //PowerMockito.when(Shelf.class, "getBook").thenReturn(mockBook); // does not work
        //TODO any approach for it?

        String context = HobbyUtil.shareReadContext(1);
        assertThat(context, is("context for test"));

Could anyone please help to suggest how could I let the line Book book = Shelf.getInstance().getBook(); in return my mocked object (i.e. mockBook )?


  • Assuming that your Shelf class is in a package test, this should work:

    public class HobbyUtilTest {
        public void testShareReadContext() throws Exception {
            Book book = Mockito.mock(Book.class);
            Mockito.when(book.getContext(Mockito.anyInt())).thenReturn("context for test");
            Shelf shelf = Mockito.mock(Shelf.class);
            String context = HobbyUtil.shareReadContext(1);
            Assert.assertEquals("context for test", context);

    You'll want to suppress the initialization of the fields of Shelf (not only the constructor) and afterwards simply define the appropriate mocks for the Shelf.getInstance() (and subsequent) methods.


    @SuppressStaticInitializationFor seems to be equivalent to:

    public class HobbyUtilTest {
        public void testShareReadContext() throws Exception {
            // ...