I am getting form components from API. My code is able to generate HTML FORM from JSON. After generating the form and filling the data when I click on submit I am getting below JSON
"Enter Your Name": "Abhishek",
"Enter Your Empid": 55555,
"Gender": "Male",
"Skills": true
My HTML FORM from where I am getting data from user:
<h1 >{{templateName}}</h1>
<form [formGroup]="myFormGroup" (ngSubmit)="onSubmit()">
<div *ngFor="let form_elem of formTemplate">
<div [ngSwitch]="form_elem.questionType">
<div *ngSwitchCase="'Text'">
<label>{{form_elem.questionTitle}}: </label>
<mat-form-field class="full-width">
<input matInput type="text" placeholder="{{form_elem.questionTitle}}" formControlName="{{form_elem.questionTitle}}"/>
<div *ngSwitchCase="'Number'">
<label>{{form_elem.questionTitle}}: </label>
<mat-form-field class="full-width">
<input matInput type="Number" placeholder="{{form_elem.questionTitle}}" formControlName="{{form_elem.questionTitle}}"/>
<div *ngSwitchCase="'Single choice'">
<label>{{form_elem.questionTitle}}: </label><br><br>
<mat-radio-group class = "tp-radio-group" formControlName="{{form_elem.questionTitle}}">
<mat-radio-button class = "tp-radio-button"
*ngFor = "let options of form_elem.questionGroup.options" [value] = "options.optionText">
<div *ngSwitchCase="'Multi choice'">
<label>{{form_elem.questionTitle}}: </label><br><br>
<mat-checkbox class = "tp-margin" *ngFor = "let options of form_elem.questionGroup.options" formControlName = "{{form_elem.questionTitle}}">
{{options.optionText}} </mat-checkbox>
<button mat-fab value="Submit">Submit</button>
As can be seen for Text, Number and Radio it is giving values but for checkbox component that is "Skills" it is showing true. I want selected checkboxes value instead of "true".
HTML FORM is dynamic that is generated from below JSON
"surveyQuestions": [
"questionTitle": "Enter Your Name",
"questionType": "Text",
"questionGroup": {}
"questionTitle": "Enter Your Empid",
"questionType": "Number",
"questionGroup": {}
"questionTitle": "Gender",
"questionType": "Single choice",
"questionGroup": {
"options": [
"optionText": "Male"
"optionText": "Female"
"showRemarksBox": false
"questionTitle": "Skills",
"questionType": "Multi choice",
"questionGroup": {
"options": [
"optionText": "C"
"optionText": "Java"
"optionText": "Mule"
"showRemarksBox": false
In My Component.ts
ngOnInit() {
let group={}
group[input_template.questionTitle]=new FormControl('');
this.myFormGroup = new FormGroup(group);
onSubmit() {
Please suggest me how to get that checkbox's values in json.
You are using the same form control for all you checkboxes named 'Skills' in this example that's why you are getting only one submitted value. I suggest to use a form control for each checkbox and map your data after form submission.
ngOnInit() {
let group={}
if (input_template.questionType === "Multi choice"){
let form_group = {} ;
input_template.questionGroup.options.forEach(option => {
form_group[option.optionText]=new FormControl('');
group[input_template.questionTitle]=new FormGroup(form_group);
} else {
group[input_template.questionTitle]=new FormControl('');
this.myFormGroup = new FormGroup(group);
<div *ngSwitchCase="'Multi choice'">
<label>{{form_elem.questionTitle}}: </label><br><br>
<div [formGroupName]="form_elem.questionTitle">
<mat-checkbox class = "tp-margin" *ngFor = "let options of form_elem.questionGroup.options" formControlName = "{{options.optionText}}">
{{options.optionText}} </mat-checkbox>