Regularly I have to extract some data from excel sheets. Most of the time the sheet is small enough to do this per hand, which means, looking for a specific string and manually copy-paste the cells of interest.
This time I have a file with more than 5000 lines, which prevents me to do this as usual. This is a good occasion to write a simple code to do that automatically. The best way to do this in my case would be to:
As I am not used to code, I search on internet some code with similar behaviour. What I found so far is a code for the 1) step. In the following code, the addresses of the cells are written in a destination range:
Dim findWhat As String, address As String
Dim fsr As Range, rs As Range, fCount As Long
findWhat = InputBox("Enter what you want to find?", "Find what...")
If Len(findWhat) > 0 Then
Set frs = Range("A1:AW6000")
Set rs = frs.Find(What:=findWhat)
If Not rs Is Nothing Then
address = rs.address
Range("bb1").Offset(fCount).Value = rs.Value
Range("bc1").Offset(fCount).Value = rs.address
Set rs = frs.FindNext(rs)
fCount = fCount + 1
Loop While Not rs Is Nothing And rs.address <> address
End If
End If
Regarding the step 2.1), I know that I have to implement this to select a range for each cell found in the step 1):
Range(ActiveCell, ActiveCell.Offset(4, 9))
Finally, I planned to use the following code for the step 2.2):
Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:D4").Copy _
Despite my efforts, I don´t know how to code that properly to make this code working. Could someone give me a little help?
Try this. You might need to adjust the destination range to suit.
Also check the Find
parameters; in particular, are you looking for cells containing just the text entered in the input box or could cells contain other text (adjust lookat
The Resize
bit says copy a range of 5 rows by 10 columns where the top left cell is the one containing the found text.
Sub x()
Dim findWhat As String, s As String
Dim rs As Range, frs as Range
findWhat = InputBox("Enter what you want to find?", "Find what...")
If Len(findWhat) > 0 Then
Set frs = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:AW6000")
Set rs = frs.Find(What:=findWhat, Lookat:=xlPart, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False)
If Not rs Is Nothing Then
s = rs.address
Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)(2).Resize(5, 10).Value = rs.Resize(5, 10).Value
Set rs = frs.FindNext(rs)
Loop While rs.address <> s
End If
End If
End Sub