In org-mode you create habits that repeat daily and so on, but I would like to track a task that must be performed three times a day.
SCHEDULED: <2019-11-11 Mon .+1d>
I am wondering if this can be done with the .+1d syntax as above for the schedule and set it to every 8 hours (which I have not been able to get working), or if this a way to say do this thing three times.
An other solution I thought of which is less satisfying is to encode it as task1, task2 and task3 and set them each to be performed daily.
You can use hourly repeat in org-mode, see
I would advise also to set an hour to start your repetitive task to be able to see it in the "time grid" view (once refreshed) of your agenda.
For example:
* TODO Task
SCHEDULED: <2019-11-12 Tue 6:00 +8h>
will show you the "Task" in agenda at 6AM, then at 2PM once the first one marked DONE, etc...
Also for information, is a great ressource for emacs specific questions.