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ember-cli-mirage loses relationship when models are sideloaded

I've got following models:

// venue.js
export default Model.extend({
  name: DS.attr('string')

// web.js
export default Model.extend({
  webname: DS.attr('string'),
  venue: DS.belongsTo('venue', {async: false})

and I use the RESTAdapter. I defined my Mirage configuration as following:

// serializers/application.js
import { RestSerializer } from 'ember-cli-mirage';

export default RestSerializer.extend({

// config.js
export default function() {
  this.get('/webs', schema => {
    let venue = schema.venues.create({name: 'venue name'});
    let web = schema.webs.create({
      webname: 'web name',
      venue: venue

    return {
      web: web,
      venue: venue

This model sideloading is a part of our application, so I have to use it. Anyways as you can see the response is fine here, i.e. it correctly identifies the foreign keys etc:

chrome tools

But when I receive the response I can't access the venue from the web - it's null. The ember inspector confirms that:

enter image description here

Does anyone have any idea of how I can preserve the relationship when I obtain the data?


  • Ok, I did it a bit wrong apparently. Here is how one should do the sideloading correctly.

    • Since my web requires a venue to be sideloaded, I created a new model-specific serializer by calling ember g mirage-serializer web. Then I can specify the relationships which should be loaded alongside with the main entity via the include field:
    // serializers/web.js
    import ApplicationSerializer from './application';
    export default ApplicationSerializer.extend({
      include: ['venue'],
    • Then the config.js can be changed to
    // config.js
      this.get('/webs', schema => {
        let venue = schema.venues.create({name: 'venue name', id: 100});
        let web = schema.webs.create({
          webname: 'web name',
          venueId: 100
        return web;
    // OR
      this.get('/webs', schema => {
        let venue = schema.venues.create({name: 'venue name', id: 100});
        let web = schema.webs.create({
          webname: 'web name',
          venue: venue
        return web;

    or one can use fixture files etc.