Good day.
Wrote 2 applications communicating with each other over TCP. One is a server (tablet), the second is a client (windows).
To synchronize multithreading, I used the standard ConcurrentQueue queue class.
However, I noticed strange behavior when sending messages. When added to a queue, commands are concatenated, although commands are sent in turn.
it's look lite two commands(2 string) executing at one time, then concatenating, then enqueuing 2 queue.
Look like this:
TCP doesn't do messages. TCP does streams. The problem isn't the concurrent queue - it's how you read the string.
One send can result in multiple receives on the other side. Multiple sends can result in a single receive. That's how TCP works.
To send messages over TCP, you have to use message framing - have a way of dividing the stream of bytes into individual messages.
There's two extremely simple (and stupid) message framing approaches:
But in the end, TCP is complicated. If you can, use a ready networking library instead of trying to deal with TCP directly, something like Lidgren. These allow you a much more high-level approach to networking code - e.g. having messages, some reliable, some unreliable etc.