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EditText is a TextView when checking type

I'm using this line to check on a number of views in my app and get the values associated with them, as input by the user. Every other view (odd) is a text view that's used as a title for the following view. These are created dynamically at runtime, and so I've collected the IDs into an arrayList to use in the following loop:

for(id in data.orEmpty()) {
                val mView = findViewById<View>(id)
                if (mView is TextView) {
                    Log.d("BEAU - ", "WOOT! ID number $id TextView - ${mView.text}")
                if (mView is EditText) {
                    Log.d("BEAU - ", "WOOT! ID number $id EditText - ${mView.text}")
                if (mView is RatingBar) {
                   Log.d("BEAU - ", "WOOT! ID number $id RatingBar - ${mView.numStars}")

The problem I'm having is that every EditText is being counted as both a TextView and an EditText; and so I'll have something like this:

D/BEAU -: WOOT! ID number 1 TextView - General EditText

D/BEAU -: WOOT! ID number 2 TextView - Hello World

D/BEAU -: WOOT! ID number 2 EditText - Hello World

However, all of the other things (like the rating bar) work perfectly. So, the question is, why is EditText passing a type check for text view; and is there something I can do to check for only text views and not text views and edit texts in the first if statement?


Temporarily, I've been able to check against EditTexts when checking for TextViews. I've done this like so: if (mView is TextView && mView !is EditText) {} But, is this right to do, and if so why should I have to do it like this?


  • It's because EditText is a subclass of TextView, so this will give you true -

    EditText is TextView 

    In EditText class you can see -

    class EditText extends TextView { ... }