Explain to me how to convert existing nested if/else to ternary operator. I looked thourgh documentation but still couldn't manage to achieve what I need.
if (value) {
if (value.match('google')) {
return 'Google';
} else if (value.match('apple')) {
return 'Apple';
} else {
return 'Other websites';
} else {
return 'Number';
Here value
is data coming from JSON. value
can be link or number.
I want to check if the link contains google, so show me 'google' text. If it contains apple, so show me apple text. If others just show 'others website' text. If this is not link, just show 'number' text
first check for value ?
if value is there then check for value is 'google' ? if yes return:
if value isn't google check for value is 'apple' ? if yes return:
if value isn't apple return otherwise:
if there is no value then return 'Number'
let value = 'apple'
let res = value? value.match('google')? 'Google':value.match('apple')?'Apple':'Otherwebsite':'Number';