I need to convert List
to Map<Integer, List<MyClass>>
where the key is the value from MyClass
That is the following code looks like this:
public class MyClass {
public int id; // this field value must be key of map.
public String name;
public static void main(String... args) {
List<MyClass> lst = new ArrayList();
lst.add(new MyClass(1, "John"));
lst.add(new MyClass(1, "Peter"));
lst.add(new MyClass(2, "Sarah"));
Map<Integer, List<MyClass>> res = lst.collect(..);
How can I do this? Can you help me?
You can do that using groupingBy
Map<Integer, List<MyClass>> res = lst.stream()
Aside: Minor correction in the existing code, avoid unchecked assignments using:
List<MyClass> lst = new ArrayList<>();