I'm working with formulas in a package, and I'd like to remove all non-numeric terms.
My problem is that, since the base formula may contain operations, I cannot evaluate some terms directly.
Here is a reprex:
op = c("mpg", "log(mpg)", "ifelse(mpg>2, '>2', '<=2')")
sapply(op, function(x){ is.numeric(datax[[x]]) })
sapply(op, function(x){ is.numeric(with(data, get(x))) })
#Error in get(x) : object 'log(mpg)' not found
#Expected output:
I know I could use attach(datax)
but this function is highly not recommended and I'd rather avoid it.
Is there a way to evaluate the operation in the context of the dataframe so I can test if the result is numeric or not?
NB: I'm not sure my title should be about evaluation or formula terms dropping, feel free to propose an edit.
One option is to use eval(parse())
, i.e.
sapply(op, function(i) {is.numeric(with(mtcars, eval(parse(text = i))))})
# mpg log(mpg) ifelse(mpg>2, '>2', '<=2')