I want to run a liquibase update by the liquibase-maven-plugin, but the changeset yml file is inside a .jar that I pull in by dependency.
When I open the .jar with TotalCommander, it has the following structure: xy.jar/changelog/changeset.yml.
I tried including it as a resource directory, but it failed telling me the .jar is not a directory.
I also tried building to a WAR and just setting the liquibase changeLogFile property to the path leading to the .jar, like {projectDir}/target/..war/..lib/..jar/changelog/myFile.yml But maven could not find it this way.
Is it possible to access this file somehow?
Thanks for the reply, but the solution was simpler, I'm just rusty in this area :) I simply had to add the required JAR from the WAR as a Maven Dependency. This adds the JAR's content to the classpath in the Maven build process, so I can reference to it's files as they were on the project root path.
TLDR: add JAR as dependency in the pom and use the path: