The question is, how do I register multiple nodes with consul under the same ID. I'm running a consul server in docker, and in my machine localhost I run two processes of the same HelloWorld
nodejs app on my mac.
Problem: the entry for the process running at 3000
gets replaced by the process running at 3001
hence I'm ending up with one node only.
Question 2 Where do I download this GUI Client (not Web UI) from for Mac as shown in the screenshot.
Payload for node 1 port 3000
HTTP: 'http://My-Mac-Pro.local:3000/health',
Interval: '15s',
Name: 'My-Mac-Pro.local',
ID: 'user1'
Payload for node 2 port 3001
HTTP: 'http://My-Mac-Pro.local:3001/health',
Interval: '15s',
Name: 'My-Mac-Pro.local',
ID: 'user2'
nodeJS code
let http = require("http");
method: "PUT",
hostname: env.CONSUL_HOST,
port: 8500,
path: "/v1/agent/check/register",
headers: {
"content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8"
}, function(response){
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
}).on("error", reject).end(JSON.stringify(body));
Expectation: See the multiple nodes under web
When you register services, each of services should register with unique service's ID
It could be something as : ${serviceName}-${hostname}-{ip}-${port}-${}-${uuid.v4()}
or any combination of those to ensure that your service ID is unique. Different ID
in registration payload is what sets consul to differ instances of same app/serviceIdentity running and they wont "override" one another.
Example of registration payload:
const id = `${ip}-${hostname}-${serviceIdentity}-${port}`;
const registrationDetails ={
Name: serviceIdentity,
ID: id,
Address: ip,
Port: parseInt(port),
Check: {
CheckID: `http-${id}`,
Name: `http-${id}`,
TLSSkipVerify: true,
HTTP: `http://${host}:${port}/health`,
Interval: '10s',
Notes: `Service http health`,
DeregisterCriticalServiceAfter: '60s',