I am trying to play around using basic queries but I am unable to retrieve anything from my trial dynamics account I cannot find any tutorials/ EXAMPLES queries to try out...
I have consulted the MS DYNAMICS Web API documentation but it doesn't give examples on how to use it just lists of the metadata one can use.
Assuming, you are using Dynamics 365 i.e Online version of CRM. Login with Admin account or account which has System admin roles.
Assuming you are on Model driven app screen (i.e new UI) Go to Advanced setting.
Then Setting--> Customizations
Then Developer Resource
and there you can find Instance WebAPI, that is your Org (instance) WebAPI URL
Basically WebAPI url is below, try that in browser
https://[Organization URI]/api/data/v9.1/
Once you get the Response
you can play around with it as
https://[Organization URI]/api/data/v9.1/contacts/
and then you can also try as
https://[Organization URI]/api/data/v9.1/contacts/?$select=fullname,annualincome,jobtitle,contactid