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Working with multiple ifstreams as a vector of ifstreams

I am trying to read multiple files (3 in this example) line by line and using a vector of ifstream shared_ptrs to do this. But I do not know how to dereference this pointer to use getline() or there's some other error in my code.

vector<shared_ptr<ifstream>> files;

for (char i = '1'; i < '4'; i++) {
        ifstream file(i + ".txt");

for (char i = '1'; i < '4'; i++) {
        shared_ptr<ifstream> f = - '0' - 1); 
        string line;
        getline(??????, line); //What should I do here?

        // do stuff to line



  • Dereferencing a shared_ptr is very much like dereferencing a raw pointer:

    #include <vector>
    #include <fstream>
    #include <memory>
    int main()
        std::vector<std::shared_ptr<std::ifstream>> files;
        for (char i = '1'; i < '4'; i++) {
                std::string file = std::string(1, i) + ".txt";
        for (char i = '1'; i < '4'; i++) {
            std::shared_ptr<std::ifstream> f = - '0' - 1); 
            std::string line;
            getline(*f, line); //What should I do here? This.
            // do stuff to line

    I have corrected the code so that it compiles, but have not addressed style issues as they aren't relevant to the question.

    Note: it's easier for the community if you can post a complete minimal program rather than a snippet.