I am connecting to a postgresql DB and am trying to fetch the count of specific employees
this is the query I am using
select count(*) from new_employees where joining_date between '10-01-2019' AND '11-01-2019'
this query is correctly giving count as 20
Now I tried connecting the same DB via my groovy script and
on resultset I fetched the values by this
int countOfEmployees = rs.getInt("count");
and when I printed the value it gave out correctly as 20
However when I was trying to connect the same DB using Java the value is showing up as 0
I use the same code
int countOfEmployees = rs.getInt("count");
but if is of no help
I also tried and checked if resultset is non empty and also found out that the count column is of type int8 by using resulsetmetadata
ResultsetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData();
System.out.println("Type: " + rsmd.getColumnTypeName(1));
Even using getByte was of no use I tried capturing the value in a variable and then tried converting it to int still the value was zero.
Byte countOfEmp = rs.getByte("count");
int countOfEmpConverted = countOfEmp.intValue();
If anyone knows if I am doing something wrong, please help!
maps to long
type in Java.
It may be confusing because in programming languages like C#
we use int64
and int32
for long
and int